Iconography and Wall Painting
Iconography and Wall Painting
Painting a portrait of Prophet Ezekiel on the wall (work in progress).
Archangel Michael, 70 x 50 cm, egg tempera and gold on prepared wood, 2019.
Archangel Michael (detail), 70 x 50 cm, egg tempera and gold on prepared wood, 2019.
Resurrected Christ , detail from a bigger composition of Antimension, 50 x 65 cm, egg tempera on paper, 2022.
Resurrected Christ , detail from a bigger composition of Antimension, 50 x 65 cm, egg tempera on paper, 2022.
Prophet Avvakum, 65 x 50 cm, egg tempera on paper, 2020.
St John the Forerunner, egg tempera and gold on prepared wood, 2002.
Platytera Ouranon (She who is wider than the heavens), egg tempera on canvas, 150 Χ 120 cm, 2011.
St Basil the Great, egg tempera on prepared wood (unfinished), 36 X 26 cm, 2016.
St Basil the Great, egg tempera on prepared wood (detail), 36 X 26 cm, 2016.