About Ouresis Todorovich
Visual Art possesses one important quality: it
constantly follows the life and is constantly updated. So, each generation of
artists interpreting the achievements of their predecessors, is making its items
that reflect life in its new manifestations.
Dr Uros T. Todorovic (Ouresis Todorovich) is a contemporary artist and a scholar. His area of research includes Ancient art (of Greece, Mesopotamia and Persia), the art of Late Antiquity, Medieval art, Byzantine art, Renaissance art, Early Modern art, the aesthetics of 20th century Modern art, Contemporary art, Theology, as well as Philosophy. He teaches painting at the Department of Fine and Applied Arts, School of Fine Arts, University of Western Macedonia in Greece. His professional experience covers the fields of painting, sculpture, teaching, conservation of cultural heritage and translation. His artworks have been exhibited at a number of significant exhibitions in USA, Australia, Greece and Serbia.